
City‑Link Express

Manage your City-Link Express shipment easily with the City-Link Express App.

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App IDcity-link-express
Vendor IDcity-link-express
Launched18 April 2024
CategoriesShipping labels
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of City‑Link Express

About City‑Link Express

Manage your City-Link Express shipments via your Shopify store using the City-Link Express App. This official extension simplifies your shipping workflow, enabling you to generate City-Link Express shipments, print labels, track parcel status, and conveniently check ePOD status—all within Shopify.

City-Link Express Account Settings & Configuration

City-Link Express Account Settings & Configuration

Select to Create City-Link Express Shipment

Select to Create City-Link Express Shipment

Insert Shipment Details

Insert Shipment Details