
Claros: An AI Agent for Stores

Claros is an AI sales agent that helps your customers find what to buy, increasing your conversions.

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App IDclaros
Vendor IDclaros
Launched20 November 2023
CategoriesProduct comparison
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Benefits of Claros: An AI Agent for Stores

About Claros: An AI Agent for Stores

Reduce your search and cart abandonment by using Claros, an AI sales agent that guides your customers to their perfect purchase, just like a real store associate would.

By integrating Claros, you’re equipping your online store with the ability to talk to customers autonomously as well as match, and potentially exceed the higher conversion rates enjoyed by physical stores.

Example store running Claros

Example store running Claros

Claros helping a person find what to buy

Claros helping a person find what to buy

Example Analytics

Example Analytics