
GAF ‑ Store Pickup & Delivery

Complete app that enables Click & Collect, Local Delivery for customers to schedule dates and times.

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App IDclick-and-collect-delivery
Vendor IDgreatappsfactory
Launched18 October 2022
CategoriesIn-store pickups Local delivery
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews78

Benefits of GAF ‑ Store Pickup & Delivery

About GAF ‑ Store Pickup & Delivery

Our APP helps your customers schedule their order for Pickup, Local Delivery, and Shipping orders with ease. Product-based setup like a product available only for pickup or delivery. Setup multi locations, Blackout holidays, Limit number of pickups or deliveries per time slot, auto order tag, validation by product tag, vendor or type. Customize notification emails. Customers avoid spending more time and shipping fees. This would save shipping costs for your customers who live locally.

Widget show on cart page for Pickup deliver and Shipping option

Widget show on cart page for Pickup deliver and Shipping option

List of Locations Add locations address and other configuration

List of Locations Add locations address and other configuration

Click and Collect Pickup delivery customization on each location

Click and Collect Pickup delivery customization on each location