Clicky: Clickable Image Banner

Add a clickable image banner to your store easily!

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App IDclicky-clickable-banner
Vendor IDleangenix-lda
Launched24 October 2023
CategoriesBanners Promotional Banner position Backgrounds Custom CSS Images and media - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews6

Benefits of Clicky: Clickable Image Banner

Clickable Image Banner: Make your image banners clickable to drive engagement
Separate Banner Images for Desktop and Mobile: Optimized for different devices
Boxed and Full Width Layouts: Choose the perfect layout for your store's design
Banner Size Options: Adapt to image, small, medium, or large options
Custom CSS Box: Customize the appearance to match your store's needs

About Clicky: Clickable Image Banner

Insert links to image banners and lead your visitors to priority pages. Clicky is designed to make image banners clickable, and it works with all 2.0 themes, including free Dawn, Sense, Craft themes, etc.

Do you have attractive banners but don’t know how to insert links into them? Clicky is your solution. It is speed-optimized. You get separate images for desktop and mobile devices. No coding required!

Clickable Image Banners for desktop and mobile

Clickable Image Banners for desktop and mobile

Banner Size Options: adapt to image, small, large, medium

Banner Size Options: adapt to image, small, large, medium

Full Width and Boxed Layouts

Full Width and Boxed Layouts