
Leadify ‑ COD Order Form

Change your Checkout with a Simple Order Form Full Customizable and Get More Conversion!

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App IDcod-order-form
Vendor IDcash-on-delivery2
Launched03 May 2021
CategoriesCash/collect on delivery (COD)
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Leadify ‑ COD Order Form

About Leadify ‑ COD Order Form

What is Leadify?

If you are in the Cash On Delivery business or you are using an offline payment processor, and you need just to capture orders as quickly as possible, Leadify will help you to do that with just one click to enable the form on your store, and start capturing leads, no more complicated checkout steps.

Sometimes you are only interested in specific details from your customers, so you can just build a form with those details needed and you are good to go.

Form editor

Form editor

preview form

preview form

