
CodeInspire Accessibility Tool

Website Accessibility Tool for WCAG, EAA, & ADA Compliance. Lightweight, Fast and Easy to Use Widget

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App IDcodeinspire-accessibility-tool
Vendor IDcodeplus
Launched20 May 2022
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews21

Benefits of CodeInspire Accessibility Tool

About CodeInspire Accessibility Tool

CodeInspire Accessibility Tool is a lightweight and powerful solution for increasing content accessibility on any Shopify store. The widget is built on JavaScript, making it fully compatible with most Shopify Themes. It also allows the widget to work quickly in any modern browser, both on a mobile device, laptop, and desktop computer.

Please read our privacy policy if you want a free ADA audit and how to fix ADA issues in your theme.

CodeInspire Accessibility Tool live preview on website

CodeInspire Accessibility Tool live preview on website

CodeInspire Accessibility Tool Featured image

CodeInspire Accessibility Tool Featured image

Accessibility app Featured image

Accessibility app Featured image