
ContactWidget ‑ Contact & FAQ

Show contact-us form, frequently asked questions, and product showcase as a widget on your store.

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App IDcontact-widget
Vendor IDqhe-heyook
Launched17 February 2023
CategoriesContact form
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of ContactWidget ‑ Contact & FAQ

About ContactWidget ‑ Contact & FAQ

A widget that integrates a contact-us form and FAQ on your online store allows customers to quickly find answers to their questions and reach out to you if they need further assistance. The product showcase on the widget provides a convenient and eye-catching way to showcase your products, helping increase their visibility and attract more potential customers. It provides a centralized and easy-to-access location for important information and resources, improving the overall user experience.

Customizable theme

Customizable theme

Product showcase

Product showcase