Modern Dropship

We help retailers add new brands and categories with automated dropship fulfillment.

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App IDconvictional
Vendor IDdeveloper-6fe0d74dd090e3b9
Launched18 November 2022
CategoriesDropshipping Clothing and accessories Home and garden Electronics Australia Canada United Kingdom United States Selling online - Other
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews29

Benefits of Modern Dropship

Brand Acceleration: We help identify brands your customers will love.
Onboarding: One-click for Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce brands.
Onboarding: Full support for CSV uploads and EDI based brand connections.
Dropship Automation: Inventory, orders, fulfillments, cancellations, and more.
Support: Modern Dropship's support team offers service that's second to none!

About Modern Dropship

Our platform helps retailers source, onboard, and transact with any supplier, including our network of curated dropship vendors. Our customers onboard brands in less than one day via integrations with Shopify, Magento 2, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, as well as CSV uploads and support for EDI.

For qualifying retailers, we’ll work with your team to identify brands and categories your customers will love, while ensuring they meet your curation standards and business requirements.

Connect your Shopify store, onboard brands from anywhere.

Connect your Shopify store, onboard brands from anywhere.

Learn how Scandiborn added 9 new categories

Learn how Scandiborn added 9 new categories

Learn how Indigo added 10 skus from 50 vendors in <4 months

Learn how Indigo added 10 skus from 50 vendors in <4 months