Cordcom Currency Converter

We provide country based currency conversion supporting multiple currencies.

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App IDcordcom-currency-app
Vendor IDfreelancer400
Launched04 January 2023
CategoriesCurrency and translation
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Cordcom Currency Converter

Price padding & rounding to allow the customer to set and alter his currency.
Admin Panel to toggle among currency based features.
Efficient Storefront management to ensure smooth plug and play usage.

About Cordcom Currency Converter

Imagine opening a global store with just one button click. Customers from Canada,USA, India or France may browse your website, modify the prices to their own currency, and then buy goods from your business using that currency. It is an efficient and user-friendly currency converter in the Shopify App Store. CordCom Currency Converter supports different currencies with up-to date technology stacks and 24*7 support to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

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