
Cost+: Easy POS Discounts

Apply cost & price based discounts from the POS.

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App IDcost-cost-based-discounts
Vendor IDcnc-app-development
Launched26 October 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Cost+: Easy POS Discounts

Cart discounts, Custom discounts, Dynamic pricing, Flat discounts, Percentage discounts

About Cost+: Easy POS Discounts

Cost+ seamlessly integrates with Shopify POS, empowering you to apply discounts quickly to suit your needs. Whether itโ€™s to offer special rates for select customers, provide staff discounts, or determine the lowest acceptable price for products, Cost+ makes it simple.

Apply the discounts in seconds

Apply the discounts in seconds

Create unlimited custom discounts

Create unlimited custom discounts

Easily modify, arrange and delete discounts

Easily modify, arrange and delete discounts