
DiscountYard — Stack Discounts

Increase cart to checkout conversion rate with stacking discounts, tiered discounts & product labels

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App IDcoupon-stacker
Vendor IDmerchantyard
Launched23 December 2020
CategoriesDiscounts Product badges
Avg rating4.4
Total reviews82

Benefits of DiscountYard — Stack Discounts

Cart discounts, Coupons, Discount codes, Fixed pricing, Flat discounts, Free shipping, Gifts, Percentage discounts, Rewards, Tiered pricing
Discount stacking, Targeting

About DiscountYard — Stack Discounts

DiscountYard helps you increase sales by offering multiple automatic discounts to customers, allowing customers to add and stack their discount codes on cart, tiered automatic discounts, combine multiple discounts using one code, employee & staff discounts, product labels & product bundles. We offer 24/7 email and live chat support.

On-cart discounts

On-cart discounts

Automatic discounts

Automatic discounts

Products labels

Products labels