CouponBank: Codes & Loyalty

Create professional coupons easily. Track engagement, manage abandonment, and reward loyal customers

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Benefits of CouponBank: Codes & Loyalty

Create professional looking coupons directly for your store products in seconds
Link coupons to your digital stamp card rewarding customer when then purchase.
Track abandoned coupons and retarget automatically with an different offer

About CouponBank: Codes & Loyalty

CouponBank lets merchants easily create dynamic coupons from their online store products.

Each coupon has a unique code and can link to a digital loyalty card, stamped with every purchase. Used but abandoned coupons are logged and can be automatically retargeted.

Coupons are distributed across the CouponBank web and mobile platforms, boosting customer engagement.

Embedded links direct customers to the product, reducing friction and increasing sales.

CouponBank Dashboard

CouponBank Dashboard

CouponBank Campaign Manager

CouponBank Campaign Manager

CouponBank Shopify product selector

CouponBank Shopify product selector