
Appointment Booking Cowlendar

Take bookings, appointments, events & service on your calendar. Booking app & Appointment app.

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App IDcowlendar
Vendor IDcmd1
Launched21 January 2022
CategoriesAppointment booking Event calendar
Avg rating5
Total reviews1422

Benefits of Appointment Booking Cowlendar

About Appointment Booking Cowlendar

This booking app adds a native scheduling popup on any service/product you sell on Shopify. Our booking app requires zero technical knowledge. Transform a product into a bookable service in 3 min. Works like Calendly, but integrated into Shopify. Use a physical location or a digital location (zoom URL, google meet link) for your bookings. Add any number questions (male/female) to the form to gather info. Add multiday (multi-day) on your site, for tours, hotel, Boat rental, car rental, etc.

easy booking = more appointments and more bookings

easy booking = more appointments and more bookings

any product can become a bookable service with cowlendar

any product can become a bookable service with cowlendar

send automatic reminders to your customers with cowlendar

send automatic reminders to your customers with cowlendar