
Cozy Announcements

Show a Popup or Bar using the app for Promotions and Offers which are key to customer engagement.

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App IDcozy-covid-kare-announcements
Vendor IDecommerce-addons
Launched03 April 2020
CategoriesBanners Popups
Avg rating5
Total reviews11

Benefits of Cozy Announcements

Display Offers using Popup or Top Bar
Built-in multiple themes
Template Editor to design the announcement to suit your needs.
Responsive, and optimized for all screen sizes
Easy to install and set up. Does not require any coding

About Cozy Announcements

This app will help you create beautiful announcements on your store to show Promotions and Special Offers. Also, show discount coupons using the app since the app provides an extensive editor to create and edit the announcement popups or announcement bar. Your imagination is the limit. Create the popup/bar based on your ideas or to match the theme of your store. You can use your sense of design to create beautiful announcements, choose from the inbuilt themes as a base and edit as required.

Announcement free shipping bar and popup

Announcement free shipping bar and popup

Announcement discount and offers to your customers

Announcement discount and offers to your customers

Announce pre sale and offers

Announce pre sale and offers