CRED pay

Seamless checkout for your top customers with multiple instruments to improve conversions

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App IDcred-pay
Vendor IDcred1
Launched09 December 2022
CategoriesPayment providers
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of CRED pay

Native experience supporting Credit Cards, UPI, BNPL & CRED balance in one place
Access to saved credit cards of CRED members, one click checkout experience
Offer targeting and personalisation to boost conversion and improve retention
Access to bank offers and cashback balance enabled by CRED

About CRED pay

A one-click checkout experience for CRED members. CRED pay supports multiple saved instruments - credit cards of CRED members, CRED Buy now pay later, CRED UPI and CRED cashback balance to improve merchant conversions. Drive higher retention and ring fence spends of CRED members on merchant websites by using our intelligent offer engine to personalise offers.

On installing, CRED pay will appear under Settings -> Payments

On installing, CRED pay will appear under Settings -> Payments

Authenticate your account by entering credentials here

Authenticate your account by entering credentials here

Waiting page for users as they complete checkout on CRED app

Waiting page for users as they complete checkout on CRED app