
Infinite Options

Add product options, customizable color swatches, bundle add-on products and more!

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDcustom-options
Vendor IDshoppad
Launched22 June 2015
CategoriesProduct options Product variants - Other
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews3915

Benefits of Infinite Options

About Infinite Options

Let your shoppers select options for items they purchase with dropdown menus, color and variant image swatches, and radio buttons. You can even bundle add-on products to your product option selections to increase prices. Infinite Options is the ideal app for product options customization and variant options for whatever might come your way. Do you need to add a gift-wrapping surcharge? How about $15 for rush processing? It’s easy with Infinite Options!

Add custom fields to any product

Add custom fields to any product

Match custom fields to products by type, vendor, tag and more

Match custom fields to products by type, vendor, tag and more

Bundle other products when selections are made

Bundle other products when selections are made