
PODbazi: Tshirt Product Design

Many products such as t-shirts, mugs, bags etc. can be customized which can increase product sales

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App IDcustom-product-design
Vendor IDsolvercircle
Launched26 August 2014
CategoriesProduct options
Avg rating4.2
Total reviews75

Benefits of PODbazi: Tshirt Product Design

About PODbazi: Tshirt Product Design

Give your customers the freedom to design anything on any kind of product by letting them customize the products with logos, texts, images, clip-arts etc. and you can also set up a design template for any product individually in the app back-end. This will load the design panel with that template. Easily get the customer’s design details in the app back-end and you can download the SVG file of customer’s design. You can also add additional customized prices for a product and set up custom fonts

Design panel for customers

Design panel for customers

Ordered custom product at design panel in app backend

Ordered custom product at design panel in app backend

Configure store's product as custom product

Configure store's product as custom product