Daily Deals ‑ Sale & Promotion

Deal & sale manager that helps schedule sales, discounts, deal of the day or a promotion!

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Benefits of Daily Deals ‑ Sale & Promotion

Schedule sales manually or run an automated deal, product discount or promotion
Discounted pricing on a deal of the day converts a confused customer into a sale
Create a flash sale or use countdown timers to create urgency & drive promotions
Boost a sale even after checkout with a post purchase upsell product discount
With our discount manager, gain actionable insights about a deal or promotion

About Daily Deals ‑ Sale & Promotion

Daily Deals creates a dedicated deals page on your website for any bulk discount offer, promotion or sale that you create in-app. Schedule sales, enable temporary discounted pricing, offer a deal of the day & create a product or site-wide sale! With a bulk discount price editor, offer customers bold discounts with ease. Countdown timers create urgency, a flash sale drives orders & a post purchase upsell boosts returns. Increase store profits and grow revenue with the alpha of sale manager apps!

Easily Schedule Storewide Sales in Seconds

Easily Schedule Storewide Sales in Seconds

Promote Your Flash Sales With A Landing Page

Promote Your Flash Sales With A Landing Page

Post Purchase Upsells For INSTANT Sales Boost

Post Purchase Upsells For INSTANT Sales Boost