
DailyOverview: Reports

Your daily sales report, farewell to the order email flood.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDdaily-overview
Vendor IDprintplus
Launched19 February 2024
CategoriesMerchant order notifications
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of DailyOverview: Reports

About DailyOverview: Reports

Replace the barrage of individual order emails with a single, comprehensive daily sales report.

No more inbox clutter – gain a clear, organized view of your store’s daily activity. Grouped into sections like Sales, Acquisition, Demographics, and Trends, this concise email delivers crucial insights at a glance.

Spend less time sifting through notifications and more time growing your business.

Receive daily snapshot of your store's sales

Receive daily snapshot of your store's sales

Understand your customers with more aggregated data

Understand your customers with more aggregated data

Customize your experience

Customize your experience