
Delivery & Return Date PRO

Our date picker offers your customers the possibility to easily select a date & time.

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App IDdelivery-pickup-date-pro
Vendor IDteq9
Launched27 October 2020
CategoriesDelivery date
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Delivery & Return Date PRO

About Delivery & Return Date PRO

This app is a powerful tool for Shopify store owners that allows them to offer their customers the option to select a delivery date and a return date for their orders. This app helps to improve the overall customer experience and reduces the likelihood of missed deliveries and returns. With this app, customers can choose their preferred delivery date and time, and select a return date within a specified period. Store owner can adjust the available dates and times based on their inventory levels.

Delivery Date Picker

Delivery Date Picker

Delivery & Return Date Picker

Delivery & Return Date Picker

Order Export

Order Export