Zapiet ‑ Rates by Zip Code

Calculate Accurate Delivery and Shipping Rates in Seconds by Using Shoppers' Zip Codes

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App IDdelivery-rates-by-zipcode
Vendor IDshopifyextras
Launched26 September 2018
CategoriesShipping rates ZIP/post code Multi-zone Multi-language Delivery and pickup Dynamic rates Minimum values Multi-location
Avg rating4.6
Total reviews80

Benefits of Zapiet ‑ Rates by Zip Code

Delivery Rates: Calculate by Zip Code, Postal Code, Postcode, Eircode or Pincode
Tiered Pricing Rules: Configured for each zip code, order weight, and price
Advanced Postal Code Match: Best used by UK & Canadian stores

About Zapiet ‑ Rates by Zip Code

Avoid losing money by offering customers the correct cost of delivery & shipping using their zip code, postal code, eircode, & pincode. Shipping costs are often hard to predict, and merchants can lose money incrementally over time. Zapiet Rates by Zip Code provides a simple solution to give your customers the right price no matter where they live, saving you money and avoiding customer service hassles. If you provide local delivery, the app works seamlessly with Zapiet’s Pickup + Delivery app.

Specify exactly which zipcodes are eligible for delivery

Specify exactly which zipcodes are eligible for delivery

Create multiple zipcode zones to easily handle rates

Create multiple zipcode zones to easily handle rates

Control delivery pricing based on order total or weight

Control delivery pricing based on order total or weight