
DH: Estimated Delivery Date

Show estimated delivery date (ETA), delivery time and create urgency with countdown timer for buyers

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App IDdh-estimated-delivery-date
Vendor IDdirhand
Launched09 April 2024
CategoriesShipping rate calculator Delivery date
Avg rating4.4
Total reviews7

Benefits of DH: Estimated Delivery Date

About DH: Estimated Delivery Date

Say goodbye to shipping anxiety – a prevalent concern among online retailers. With our DH Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) solution, you can proactively provide customers with delivery timelines, minimizing anxious inquiries. This not only reduces cart abandonment rates but also frees up your team’s resources for more strategic tasks.

With EDD, proactively show estimated delivery time to customers

With EDD, proactively show estimated delivery time to customers

Set EDD Message in multiple languages

Set EDD Message in multiple languages

Configure availability by Working days, Cutoff time etc

Configure availability by Working days, Cutoff time etc