DiscountRay: Quantity Discount

Boost your sales and customer retention effortlessly with exclusive, automatic discount offers.

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Benefits of DiscountRay: Quantity Discount

Automatic volume discounts and tiered pricing to encourage larger purchases.
Apply B2B discounts by tagging specific customer groups for personalized pricing
Variant-specific quantity discounts for clearance sales and flexible promotion
Dynamic discount table widgets with real-time savings to encourage buying more.
Schedule discounts in advance for a seamless, time-based promotional offer

About DiscountRay: Quantity Discount

Maximize your store’s sales and (AOV) with powerful, flexible, and automatic discount features. Create custom discounts tailored to product variants. Offer volume or tiered pricing to incentivize larger purchases. Display a dynamic discount table with quantity breaks to encourage customers to add more to their cart. You’ll drive higher conversions and AOV by showing real-time savings. With scheduling offers and automated discount management, you can focus on growing your sales effortlessly.

Dynamic volume discounts and variants fixed pricing

Dynamic volume discounts and variants fixed pricing

Target specific b2b customers

Target specific b2b customers

Customize discouunt widgets to match with brnading

Customize discouunt widgets to match with brnading