
Dolly ‑ ChatbotAI

The AI chatbot that helps merchants communicate naturally with customers. Multilingual, customizable

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App IDdolly-chatbotai
Vendor IDp-s8
Launched27 March 2023
CategoriesChat Contact form
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Dolly ‑ ChatbotAI

About Dolly ‑ ChatbotAI

Dolly is the perfect solution for merchants looking to streamline customer communication. By leveraging the integration of OpenAI and GPT chatbots, customers can effortlessly pose inquiries and receive relevant responses. This not only improves customer satisfaction, but also frees up valuable time for merchants. Plus, with Dolly’s easy customization options, businesses of all sizes can take advantage of this powerful AI chatbot.

Dashboard: A screenshot of the AI chatbot interface

Dashboard: A screenshot of the AI chatbot interface

Analytics: A screenshot of the app's analytics dashboard

Analytics: A screenshot of the app's analytics dashboard

Playground: A screenshot of the AI chatbot's testing playground

Playground: A screenshot of the AI chatbot's testing playground