
Donate Bee ‑ Accept Donations

Accept donations and integrate purpose-driven initiatives directly into your business model

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDdonate-bee
Vendor IDcodebird
Launched01 March 2024
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Donate Bee ‑ Accept Donations

About Donate Bee ‑ Accept Donations

With DonateBee, you can effortlessly define fundraising goals, track progress, and engage your customers in meaningful contributions—all from the convenience of your Shopify dashboard.

Set up and manage multiple donation goals to support various causes or projects simultaneously.

Keep your customers engaged with live updates on goal progress and the total amount raised, fostering a community of support and transparency.

Setting up Donate Bee is a breeze.

Setting up Donate Bee is a breeze.

Accept donations in just five minutes

Accept donations in just five minutes

Real-Time Progress Tracking

Real-Time Progress Tracking