
Duel | Referrals & Affiliates

Duel enables brands to transform customers into their biggest acquisition channel.

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App IDduel-app-1
Vendor IDduel
Launched07 October 2022
CategoriesRecommended products
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Duel | Referrals & Affiliates

About Duel | Referrals & Affiliates

The Duel Brand Advocacy Platform turns thousands of social affiliates, content creators and micro-influencers in a brand’s customer base into revenue-driving communities - all powered through Social Affiliate and Ambassador programs.

Duel can also help prove the value of advocacy driven through these programs to a CFO. The Platform integrates with a brand’s eCommerce, CRM and social channels, providing a single view of every advocate driving ROI, and powering a brand’s Social Commerce.

The Duel Brand Dashboard

The Duel Brand Dashboard

Duel | Ambassador & Social Affiliate Programs

Duel | Ambassador & Social Affiliate Programs

Duel | Fully Customizable Portals

Duel | Fully Customizable Portals