
Duki—Taiwan 6 Shipping Methods

Easily ship to Convenience Stores in Taiwan, and speed up fulfillment with bulk label printing.

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App IDduki
Vendor IDjm-apps
Launched30 June 2023
CategoriesLocal delivery Cash/collect on delivery (COD)
Avg rating1
Total reviews1

Benefits of Duki—Taiwan 6 Shipping Methods

About Duki—Taiwan 6 Shipping Methods

Duki provides a superior checkout experience to Taiwanese customers by integrating your store with Taiwan’s top 6 Logistic Shipping Companies, providing dynamic shipping rates, and eliminating common shipping data errors during the checkout.

Moreover, Merchants can efficiently manage and speed up order fulfillment with Duki. Bulk print shipping labels with one-click, track shipping status updates, and automatically notify customers when an order is shipped.

A truly international app with Chinese and English UI.

A truly international app with Chinese and English UI.

Eliminate common shipping data errors with data validation.

Eliminate common shipping data errors with data validation.

Speed up shipping rate selection with Dynamic Shipping Rates.

Speed up shipping rate selection with Dynamic Shipping Rates.