Savior's Dynamic Discounts

Save Big with Customizable Bulk Discounts on Products & Collections for Customers, Tags & Countries

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDdynamic-discounts-1
Vendor IDecom-savior
Launched13 April 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Savior's Dynamic Discounts

Discounts for Multiple Products and Collections Based on Customers and Country
Allows users to upload or create a CSV file to receive discounts.
Allows Priority options between CSV file and Discount Rules to execute first.
Allows to Create multiple customizable tables for discounts.
Allows to create multiple Customizable congratulatory notifications.

About Savior's Dynamic Discounts

Dynamic Discounts app empowers merchants with unparalleled customization options. Set discounts for multiple Products & Collections based on specific customers, tags, and countries.

Offer discounts on individual or multiple products, either by quantity or total cost, with ease. Customizable discount tables and notifications make this app a game-changer for B2B and B2C businesses, providing a comprehensive solution for boosting sales and rewarding customers.

Listing of all Discount Rules

Listing of all Discount Rules

Product and Collections Selection

Product and Collections Selection

Rule Validation Settings

Rule Validation Settings