Variant Description OMG

Showcase every variant’s unique details – metafields included. Make complex products clear.

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Benefits of Variant Description OMG

Add a description for each product variant and display variant metafields
Use your own custom variant metafield and show shipping times or specifications
No coding require. Easy installation for both Online Store 2.0 and Legacy themes
Rich full text editor that supports images, videos, links, tables and many more
Bulk import and export

About Variant Description OMG

With Variant Description OMG you can now add a description for each variant. Increase sales, minimize returns, and customer support with descriptions for every product variant.

Communicate different shipping times or availability information, provide variant sizing information, display variant materials or fabrics, and differentiate between different kits or combo packages⁠—there are many use cases. This app is the solution for complex products, designed to enhance your product pages.

Variant editor

Variant editor

Variant editor color picker mode

Variant editor color picker mode

Application product search list

Application product search list