
Early Bird Shipping

Add Early Bird as an automatically validated shipping method in your store based on postal code.

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App IDearly-bird
Vendor IDexacta-digital-ab
Launched02 August 2023
CategoriesDelivery and pickups - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Early Bird Shipping

About Early Bird Shipping

With this application you’ll be able to use Early Bird as a shipping method for your customers to choose. The app automatically shows the shipping method if a customer enters a valid postal code where Early Bird does deliver.

A real-time API call will be sent to Early Bird to determine if the postal code is valid for delivery by Early Bird or not. If the postal code is valid the shipping method will be shown during the checkout process, and if it’s not Early Bird will be hidden from the user.

Edit screen

Edit screen

Store checkout in frontend

Store checkout in frontend

Edit screen

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