
Easy Donation

Unlock the power of giving back : Easy Donation, your all-in-one widget for multiple charity causes

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App IDeasy-donation
Vendor IDzestard-technologies
Launched01 December 2017
CategoriesDonations Crowdfunding
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews157

Benefits of Easy Donation

About Easy Donation

Whether you’re collecting money for a special cause or fundraising for an event, Easy Donation can help you achieve your goals. You can easily integrate widget anywhere on — home, product, cart, checkout, blog, or any standalone page. Customers can choose to donate any amount they’d like, which will be added to their order total. With multilingual support, Easy Donation suits diverse needs, catering to businesses, NGOs, and religious institutions for a seamless and impactful donation experience.

Donation Widget on Cart page - Shopify App

Donation Widget on Cart page - Shopify App

Donation Widget on Product Detailed Page - Shopify Module

Donation Widget on Product Detailed Page - Shopify Module

Donation on the Checkout Page - Charity Options

Donation on the Checkout Page - Charity Options