
TokFeed ‑ Minimal TikTok Feeds

Embed TikTok Feeds in your strorefront and generate Tiktok embed codes

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDeasy-tok
Vendor IDsonder-labs-llc
Launched18 June 2021
CategoriesSocial proof
Avg rating3.5
Total reviews8

Benefits of TokFeed ‑ Minimal TikTok Feeds

No-code TikTok feed embed section
Mobile Optimized
Generate embed codes to place on any page

About TokFeed ‑ Minimal TikTok Feeds

This app makes it easy to add TikTok feeds to your Shopify store. Simply copy and paste TikToks into the embed code generator and add them to the storefront TokFeed section.

You can also place the embed codes anywhere in your site.

Easy To Use

Easy To Use

High Converting Pages

High Converting Pages

Mobile Optimized

Mobile Optimized