Geolocation Redirects Geo:Pro

Geolocation redirects customers by location, country block & country redirect, and markets redirects

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Benefits of Geolocation Redirects Geo:Pro

Redirect visitors to local versions of your store by their geo location
Protect your store from visitors from certain countries or IPs (country block).
Point customers to the proper Market and Language based on their location.
Choose your desired redirect layout: top banner, popup, or instant redirect.
Use visual layout editor to apply appropriate colors to your redirects easily.

About Geolocation Redirects Geo:Pro

Expand global sales with Geo:Pro - Shopify Markets integration shows customers valid products, prices, language, and currency by country. Flexible geolocation redirect rules by customer location (region, country redirect) or IP address. Point customers from selected countries to proper Markets and/or languages. Redirect them instantly, or display redirect popup or banner. Block countries (country block) or IP addresses from visiting your store. Flexible UI, color customizations & JavaScript API

Redirect visitors to local versions based on their location

Redirect visitors to local versions based on their location

Redirect or block visitors based on their region, country or IP

Redirect or block visitors based on their region, country or IP

Customize redirect layout to fit your needs

Customize redirect layout to fit your needs