Deliver with Econt

You can choose services according to your needs. You can easily create shipment documents.

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App IDecont-delivery
Vendor IDecont-express-ltd
Launched16 March 2022
CategoriesShipping Address validation Carrier selection Shipping rates Shipping solutions - Other
Avg rating2.2
Total reviews5

Benefits of Deliver with Econt

You receive our latest services, no updates needed.
You can set up your store deliveries in less than 5 minutes
You can set flexible payment rules with accurate prices

About Deliver with Econt

Let us develop online trade in Bulgaria together. Your business together with our delivery and payment modules will speed up the goods and money turnover in Bulgaria. This significantly improves your opportunities for investment in next-generation technologies. It also increases your market share. Econt promises an increase in your market share through its innovative approach to logistics and the creation of networks of new generations of users.

Your customers can choose the nearest Econt office

Your customers can choose the nearest Econt office

You are free to set up the module based on your needs.

You are free to set up the module based on your needs.

Your customers can choose delivery to their address.

Your customers can choose delivery to their address.