
Age Verification by Elfsight

Verify age to restrict underage users from access to your website

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App IDelfsight-age-verification
Vendor IDdeveloper-60a4941e82a1a190
Launched23 August 2019
CategoriesAge verifier
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Age Verification by Elfsight

About Age Verification by Elfsight

Age Verification app provides you with the option to higher legal compliance of business, with only full aged users. Your users will be given the option to easier age verification via a handy popup on the web page.

Verify the visitors’ age by requesting only the year of birth

Verify the visitors’ age by requesting only the year of birth

Write your message to visitors and describe details in caption

Write your message to visitors and describe details in caption

Use overlay to protect content while a user is opting

Use overlay to protect content while a user is opting