
Emily ‑ Smart Email Assistant

Create engaging and effective email campaigns using AI-powered technology in one click.

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App IDemily-smart-email-assistant
Vendor IDshop-squad
Launched11 May 2023
CategoriesEmail marketing - Other Content marketing - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Emily ‑ Smart Email Assistant

About Emily ‑ Smart Email Assistant

Emily’s unique feature is the use of advanced AI-powered technology that streamlines the email creation process, resulting in more effective and personalized email campaigns.

Merchants will appreciate the app’s simplicity and user-friendliness, as it eliminates the need for marketing expertise and reduces the time and effort required to create compelling email campaigns.

The app solves the problem of time-consuming and ineffective email campaigns.

Promotional email, limited time offer

Promotional email, limited time offer

Holiday email, black Friday

Holiday email, black Friday

Post-Purchase, thank you email

Post-Purchase, thank you email