
Recommendly AI

Anticipate Your Customer’s Intentions & Increase Sales Real-time personalized recommendations.

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App IDepica
Vendor IDpoderio
Launched10 April 2019
CategoriesSearch Recently viewed
Avg rating3.3
Total reviews20

Benefits of Recommendly AI

Using machine learning with highly trained algorithms to boost upsells
Recommend products your clients want to buy with high accuracy.
Make data-driven decisions based on comprehensive analytics of your customers

About Recommendly AI

Recommendly can deliver high-quality ML recommendations in real-time so that you can easily implement personalized recommendations in minutes, not weeks. Personalize every touchpoint along the customer’s journey, including search, so your customers discover products faster than your Shopify store.

Track how many upsell, cross sell, related product sales you do

Track how many upsell, cross sell, related product sales you do

Predictive AI search (NLP), relevant search logics available

Predictive AI search (NLP), relevant search logics available

Real-Time Analytics

Real-Time Analytics