
ergo ‑ Offer Tool & Analytics

Add a button for customers to make a pricing offer. Having more pricing options can raise revenue.

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App IDergo
Vendor IDergo-offers-inc
Launched14 September 2023
CategoriesCustom pricing and quotes Analytics - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews4

Benefits of ergo ‑ Offer Tool & Analytics

About ergo ‑ Offer Tool & Analytics

Unlock a new revenue opportunity with ergo. Empower your customers to propose a price using the “Make an offer with ergo” button. You will have full control of accepting and rejecting offers. The ergo button helps you optimize profit and reduce inventory — without creating product promotions. But that’s not all, ergo also provides valuable insights for an optimized pricing strategy.

modal pop up that opens after a user clicks on the ergo button

modal pop up that opens after a user clicks on the ergo button

ergo button on a product page as a new way of shopping for less

ergo button on a product page as a new way of shopping for less

administrative portal where brands can accept and reject offers

administrative portal where brands can accept and reject offers