
jackyun Cross‑border ERP

saas ERP supports unified management of multilingual orders, multiple sites, and multiple currencies

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App IDerp-42
Vendor ID11582
Launched04 September 2023
CategoriesWarehouse management
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of jackyun Cross‑border ERP

About jackyun Cross‑border ERP

Jike Cloud Cross border Edition ERP can help businesses solve the unified management of multi site, multi store, multi language, and multi currency orders, support various international logistics docking, support overseas warehouse inventory management, support full process tracking of customs declaration, clearance, damage, and refund orders, support sales, cost, and profit accounting, and help businesses truly achieve digital management

Multiple store download platform orders

Multiple store download platform orders

Unified management of inventory in multiple warehouses

Unified management of inventory in multiple warehouses

Support setting various policies

Support setting various policies