
Eruption: Leads Facebook Ads

Boost Conversion Rate and Facebook Ads. Increase sales through discounts, shares and real leads.

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App IDeruption
Vendor IDprtdev
Launched04 July 2023
CategoriesRetargeting ads Social media ads
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Eruption: Leads Facebook Ads

About Eruption: Leads Facebook Ads

By offering your visitors a discount in exchange for sharing your products on Facebook, you ignite a ripple effect of organic shares across their profiles (UGC). The leads generated from these engaged users, who’ve already shown keen interest (Lead Generation), are compatible with Facebook Ads, ensuring you reach a targeted audience and maximize efficacy for your campaigns. The app handles everything without requiring intervention or coding. The app is fast and doesn’t slow down your site.

The social marketing platform for eCommerce

The social marketing platform for eCommerce

Turn visitors into leads when they share

Turn visitors into leads when they share

Ready-to-use list of leads for Facebook Ads

Ready-to-use list of leads for Facebook Ads