
EVM Customer Testimonials

Collect & Show customer testimonials with photos in grid, and slideshow format on store.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDevm-product-reviews-app-testimonials-app
Vendor IDexpert-village-media
Launched25 October 2016
CategoriesProduct reviews Feedback and surveys
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews422

Benefits of EVM Customer Testimonials

All reviews page, Carousels, Grid layout, Photo reviews, Testimonials
Forms, Import and export

About EVM Customer Testimonials

Testimonials Showcase

By using this app, you can showcase all your customer testimonials at one place in a nice grid or slideshow format. You can also collect it from customers by using our website testimonials submission form. Testimonials helps your customers in knowing about the experience of other customers with your products and the services which helps in gaining trust among them. Our app has several features, its easy to customize and also backed by our support team who is ready to help.

Show photo reviews and product reviews by Credens

Show photo reviews and product reviews by Credens

Coupon codes for reviews

Coupon codes for reviews

