
Experify Social Reviews

Go beyond star ratings to feature real people and stories for a more connected feedback experience.

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App IDexperify-connect
Vendor IDexperify-inc
Launched05 April 2024
CategoriesSocial proof
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Experify Social Reviews

About Experify Social Reviews

In a world where online reviews are a dime a dozen, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of star ratings. Traditional reviews can feel transactional - a final step following a purchase - so it’s tough for your products to truly stand out from the crowd.

Social reviews are real stories from real people, eager to share their authentic experiences. Experify showcases their stories throughout the shopper journey, and allows any shopper needing more firsthand insight to message directly with the reviewer.

Experify Social Reviews plugin for your webshop.

Experify Social Reviews plugin for your webshop.

An intuitive messaging system.

An intuitive messaging system.

Track community analytics and sentiment of conversations.

Track community analytics and sentiment of conversations.