
Geolocation Express Redirect

Redirect or block visitors based on their Country and Geographic Locations

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App IDexpress-geo-redirect
Vendor IDmarbella-internet-group
Launched11 June 2019
CategoriesPage redirect Internationalization - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Geolocation Express Redirect

About Geolocation Express Redirect

Geolocation Express Redirect enables you to redirect your website traffic to specific URLs based on their geographic locations. You can either automatically redirect your visitors or suggest a better URL using a popup. This will also help you avoid unwanted spammy visitors from countries where you don’t ship your products. Also, this might become handy when you have multiple stores for different countries. No unnecessary features, no cluttered dashboards, clean and easy to set up and automate.

Dashboard to manage all geoip based redirections

Dashboard to manage all geoip based redirections

Create a pop-up redirect for certain countries

Create a pop-up redirect for certain countries

Choose countries to redirect and customize redirect popup

Choose countries to redirect and customize redirect popup