
Express Subscriptions

Subscription app for recurring payments, subscribing plans, customer portal.

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App IDexpress-subscription
Vendor IDmarbella-internet-group
Launched18 December 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Express Subscriptions

Curated subscriptions, Custom subscriptions, Physical products
One-time payment, Recurring payments, Subscribe and save

About Express Subscriptions

Express Subscriptions empowers you to provide both physical and digital products, along with services, on a recurring basis to your customers. This subscriptions app is designed to optimize your recurring revenue by encouraging customers to place repeat orders for the products they adore. Creates and manages product subscription plans with custom frequencies and offers custom discounts.

Create customized subscription plan

Create customized subscription plan

See custom message like Subscribe and Save on product page

See custom message like Subscribe and Save on product page

Customers can manage their subscription plans in customer portal

Customers can manage their subscription plans in customer portal