Ezz Cart Count

Show how many carts each product or variant is in, helping customers discover popular items.

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App IDezz-cart-count
Vendor IDhumosoft
Launched05 December 2024
CategoriesSocial trust - Other Social proof Engagement tracking Conversion tracking
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Ezz Cart Count

Shows cart count for each product and variant on the PDP.
Helps customers identify trending products with cart data.
Provides merchants with insights into product popularity.
Easy to integrate with your store’s existing product pages.

About Ezz Cart Count

Display the number of carts each product or variant is in on the product details page (PDP). This helps customers identify popular items and make informed purchasing decisions. For merchants, the app provides basic insights into which products are being frequently added to carts. It’s a simple way to engage customers and help merchants understand product interest in real-time.

Dashboard showing product interest and cart conversion charts.

Dashboard showing product interest and cart conversion charts.

Top 10 products and largest carts with activity statistics.

Top 10 products and largest carts with activity statistics.

App embed activation and product block configuration panel.

App embed activation and product block configuration panel.