
Meetanshi Facebook Chat

Make it easy for customers to contact you via Facebook Messenger and streamline customer support.

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App IDfacebook-chat-6
Vendor IDmeetanshi
Launched10 August 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Meetanshi Facebook Chat

About Meetanshi Facebook Chat

The app simply connects Shopify with Facebook Messenger to propose a more useful contact option for customers. It enables you to suggest quick priority support to your invaluable customers. Customers can directly chat with the merchant and send their inquiries via Facebook Chat without leaving the Shopify store. They can use either their Facebook account or continue as a guest. The entire look & feel of the customer-side chat popup can be customized from the app configuration.

Facebook Chat Configuration

Facebook Chat Configuration

Facebook Chat Login Screen

Facebook Chat Login Screen

Facebook Chat Popup

Facebook Chat Popup