
Fashion offset with myclimate

Let your customers offset the true carbon footprint of their fashion order.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDfashion-offset
Vendor IDkanvas-digital
Launched13 September 2021
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Fashion offset with myclimate

Let your customers offset the actual carbon footprint of each item they order.
Offset into high quality projects with a Swiss non-profit, Foundation myclimate.
Install with a few clicks and start contributing to climate action.

About Fashion offset with myclimate

“Fashion offset with myclimate” carbon footprint calculations are based on myclimate professionals’ expertise and a learning algorithm. The algorithm analyses the product descriptions on your store and based on that defines what kind of item the product is to calculate an accurate carbon footprint of the product.

Your customers can offset the carbon footprint of their order by ticking a checkbox at checkout. Before deciding, they can see the total amount as well as a detailed breakdown.

Automatic AI matching of your products with offsetting products

Automatic AI matching of your products with offsetting products

Review the matching and make changes if needed

Review the matching and make changes if needed

Follow the sales and offsetted emissions

Follow the sales and offsetted emissions