
FedEx by Shippo

Ship your orders within the United States using FedEx.

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App IDfedex-by-shippo
Vendor IDshippo
Launched24 January 2024
CategoriesShipping labels
Avg rating1.1
Total reviews7

Benefits of FedEx by Shippo

About FedEx by Shippo

You can choose from a range of US domestic FedEx shipping services that suit your needs, purchase shipping labels, and keep track of your shipments — all directly within your Shopify admin. No FedEx account is needed to start purchasing shipping labels.

showing various offerings by FedEx, buy shipping labels in bulk

showing various offerings by FedEx, buy shipping labels in bulk

print shipping labels and packing slips

print shipping labels and packing slips

tracking dashboard displaying all packages in a table format

tracking dashboard displaying all packages in a table format