Flot Delivery

Same-day delivery in New York City

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App IDflot-delivery
Vendor IDflot-delivery
Launched17 December 2021
CategoriesDelivery and pickup
Avg rating5
Total reviews10

Benefits of Flot Delivery

Same-day delivery to Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx (SI by request)
Same-day delivery as an option at checkout for your customer from New York City
Tracking page with your brand and estimated time of delivery
See real-time status of all deliveries and get access to proofs of delivery

About Flot Delivery

Offer your customers from New York City same-day delivery option at checkout. Purchase shipping labels in one click to deliver existing orders same-day with Flot Delivery.

Offer same-day delivery to boost checkout rate

Offer same-day delivery to boost checkout rate

Provide your customers fast delivery and real-time tracking

Provide your customers fast delivery and real-time tracking

Flot Delivery is way faster than FedEx, USP, and USPS

Flot Delivery is way faster than FedEx, USP, and USPS