Fondue CashBack Promotions

Shoppers buy for many reasons. Earn more revenue & profit by empowering them to pick their incentive

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App IDfondue-cashback-promotions
Vendor IDfondue-promotions
Launched08 August 2022
CategoriesDiscounts Gift cards
Avg rating4.2
Total reviews42

Benefits of Fondue CashBack Promotions

Works anywhere you coupon: ads, on site popups, email, SMS, influencers, & more
Offer bonus value to encourage shoppers to choose gift card redemption
Create sitewide or URL-based promos & set if they can combine with other promos
Segment customers using URL based CashBack in your favorite A/B testing tool.
Create or suspend CashBacks manually to meet individual shopper situations

About Fondue CashBack Promotions

Replacing pre-purchase incentives (like a coupon code), shoppers see their CashBack eligibility throughout the purchase journey and then redeem it post purchase in a method they choose: gift cards, cash, and more to come soon. No more one-size-fits-some discounting that trades profit for revenue. Keep loyal shoppers coming back with bonus values on gift cards, give discounts to shoppers who need them to convert, and recapture revenue when shoppers who didn’t need the discount don’t redeem it.

incentive selection screens showing variety in shopper choice

incentive selection screens showing variety in shopper choice

showing use cases of popups referrals and ads for cashback

showing use cases of popups referrals and ads for cashback

this tool can be as embedded in your own branding as you want

this tool can be as embedded in your own branding as you want